Java 8 Stream API
1. Filter Collection by using Stream (07:55)
2. Print Collection using For-Each method (04:04)
3. How to Use Like Operator in Java 8 (05:18)
4. Collection Sorting in java 8 (10:11)
5. Use of Limit method (03:11)
6. Use of findFirst in lambda expression (02:45)
7. Use of mapToDouble & Sum in Lambda expression (04:10)
8. Use of Count in Lamdba (02:07)
9. Use of Min & Max in Lambda (05:58)
10. Use of GroupBy method (08:17)
1. Filter Collection by using Stream (07:55)
Sequential and Parallel Stream
File Reading & Writing
Java 8: Date API
Default & Static Method
Optional Type with Example
Java 8: Calling JavaScript Function
Java 18: important feature
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